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Batman Mafia Game Thread

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  underthebridge Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:56 pm

I know that voting "nogody" isn't getting us anywhere but so will trying to lynch ppl that we have no assumptions agout geing mafia, it may hurt us but we are going to need to wait and use our agilities to find maifa, before we make any rash "Nogody" is getter that voting town


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:43 pm

thanks for posting austin, it was very constructive, haha. now you wont die from danny.

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  kennyocean Sun Mar 01, 2009 9:55 pm

My puddin and I want Batsie so let's get voting! We need to talk and use your night powers to get info!


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  scanzi720 Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:59 pm

i think warstar is suspiciously throwing out info a little too easy...i think he is trying to get us to give the nobody votes so the mafia can get more kills before they get lynched



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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  beckee89 Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:12 pm

i dont know about all this acting like characters either. i have no clue who my person, or any other person is!
these things get to confusing.
haha austin, that was rediculous,
but warstar's post was looking kinda shady....

Vote: Warstar


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  SilverSurfer Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:45 pm

whoa whoa whoa I really don't trust beckie and scanzi now. Warstar said that he can't be killed at night right. With that being said how else can you kill him by lynching him. I mean I believe you warstar and I still stand by nicevoicelady and kenny. And kenny isn't harley he is the girl that loves joker...the one that wears the black and red clown suit. She always called the joker puddin. I am going to vote: nobody because I think mafia is trying to get him killed the only way they can. If I'm wrong I'm wrong but hey we need to do something quick before more town blood is spilled.


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:21 am

scanzi you are way off. if you look at my post history during this day cycle, i have been trying to vote for who i think is the most suspicious. i started the voting on inactive people to either get ride of them because they are useless to us, or because they could be mafia sitting back.
if you look at the info i have been "throwing out" i kinda had to in my current situation. the only way for me to be killed is via lynching because of my power so revealing it is not as risky as it would be for other people.
underthebridge pointed out earlier in the day that nicevoice lady started to become very active RIGHT after i voted for her, and her defence was just voting back. kenny's posts have been very non-constructive throughout the entire game so far. all he has said is the town needs to stick together. kenny and nicevoicelady's little alliance is very suspicious to me. i think thats your mafia right there.
silversurfer, you seemed suspicious to me earlier when you sided with the two lovebirds but your last post redemed your standing with me a little. also you need to not trust people so soon. you jumped all over nicevoicelady and kenny's little act and think they are town and also my revealing of my power. people lie in this game. i am not saying i am lying, i have reasoning behind everything i have done/said so far.
the only way for the mafia to kill me is lynching. if you look at, who i think are the mafia, they are both voting for me, and they now know how to kill me.
we need to start voting for the most threatening people at this point. if you all think i am mafia, i suggest waiting one more night, cop me tonight, i wont die because my power protects me, if i turn out to be mafia, it should be an easy road to victory after that. the safe vote here is nicevoicelady. her post dont give us any reason to believe she is town other than her little banter with kenny which doesnt say much other than they are in league together.

vote: nicevoicelady
i hope people are able to read this in time, sorry for the length, i actually read past posts and evaluate responses and what not.

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  scanzi720 Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:39 am

i can understand your reasoning that you have posted warstar but as you yourself and the great Gregory House says EVERYBODY LIES. i just find it suspicious of someone throwing out both their characters and their power right on the boards. that and the fact that i am a reasonably large batman fan and have never heard of rasputin as a batman villian either. for now i will give you the benifit of the doubt but whoever is the cop needs to post what he finds out from his power.

change vote:nobody

ohh yeah and surfer Harley or Harley Quinn is the chick that wears the red and black clown suit and calls the joker puddin. check wikipedia if you dont believe me


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:56 am

i ennjoyed your house reference, haha, house is the man!

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  underthebridge Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:15 am

Warstar has basically sum'd up what I'm thinking right now, I don't trust the alliance between Kennyocean and nicevicelady either.
Change Vote : Nicevoicelady


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  mechdestroyer Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:56 pm

At the end of the day the vote count stands at

nicevoicelady (3): warstar011, underthebridge
warstar011 (3) : nicevoicelady, kennyocean, beckee89
nobody (2) : scanzi, silversurfer
austin1120(1) : clearasday

Day 3 is full of excitement. People are arguing over who is batman, who is this rasputin character, and now that someone mentioned pudding....., YUM. But meanwhile, outside the Arkham, it is much calmer, and there is good news. After questioning all the employees who made it out, they have finally found someone with a way in. The janitor has a key to a back door, where he normally takes out the trash and cannot be automatically locked like the rest of the doors.

As the police prepare to enter the building, the villians get lucky and as soon as the police enter the door, 3 of the inmates nearest scream, alerting the whole building and all of the Armed goons and the inmates advance on the police. Commisioner Gordon orders a full retreat from the building, not wanting his men to be injured or killed. The inmates then clog the doorway with tons of cots and other trash to prevent the police from coming in the door again.

Back outside, The raid wasnt a complete failure, we were able to subdue and capture quite a few of the inmates who had already gone to sleep, but we didnt get any of the extremely dangerous ones, Gordon thinks to himself. Just then 2 officers approach Gordon, and say we got one of them here you might want to talk to.
Gordon recognizes him and yells, "Alright how many of them are there, and what is the Jokers Plan!" "Ah a question?" says the inmate. "Dont fool around with me!" says Gordon. " Riddle me this, Commisioner Gordon,.........."

SneakAttack/Simone has been captured(dead). They were part of the Town.

Night 3 has begun

Everybody has 24 hours to get me their actions


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  mechdestroyer Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:24 am

The inmates are starting to get ancy, People keep disappearing each night, and the Coppers even got into the building and got one of them. Nobody feels like they are any closer to finding the bat, and crazy things keep happening, that are confusing more and more people. One man though knows what to do. He assembles everyone in the dining hall, Happy and wanting to Gloat that he had found out who batman and also the other mafia people were. Some called him sherlock, others call him a jerk, still others call him a genious, his parents just called him Gregory House! That is right the great man seen from your TV was all the time in Arkham! He begins by saying, " I know you wish to know who batman is and since I must solve the puzzle and then tell all others about it, I will reveal it to you!" Not caring about the consequneces of his actions, he says, " Batman is " Just then Lightning strikes the roof, causing an temporary overload in the system, blowing a fuse in the wall which blows up causing a piece of metal to come striking House in the Head.

As the Backup generators kick in every one discovers that
Mechdestroyer is dead. He was Gregory House.

Night 3 has ended

Day 4 has begun

It will last for approximately 50 hours or until the end of wednesday

with 9 people left in the game 5 votes are needed for a lynch


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:52 am

thats really funny! House, haha

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  beckee89 Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:27 pm

i dont get it. is there no more moderation then?


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  Clearasday Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:46 pm

Are we to assume that there was no night kill?

I'd like to hear more from underthebridge

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  mechdestroyer Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:07 pm

Nope I am still moderating. Smile


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:10 pm

i think there is some sort of shapeshifter, or person with a disguise power. mechdestroyer's death could be a fake death or impersonation of someone else. im not sure though. i thought underthebridge was going to get killed last night, but something funny happened instead. who knows. i hope someone has information worth something.

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  SilverSurfer Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:03 pm

Warstar I was going to tell you this after you posted before but the danimal closed the thread before I could. It isn't that I am siding with you so was just that I figured that you were telling the truth! Plus I was going to see for myself during the night but when you told people to check you out I figured why should I waste my power on you if someone else could check. So yeah...anyway I'm pretty sure that nicevoicelady isn't mafia. Now I might be wrong but if you can shape shift or take the identity of another person would they take on the persons ability??? Or their screen name??? Do you know what I mean...if that is the case nicevoicelady could be someone else but using the name nicevoicelady. I don't know how it works because I am still new to the game. With this being my 2nd time playing ever. Anyway that will make things hard if that is the case.

If anyone has anything anything at all step up and say something. We need more info. I will have more info after the night passes. That is if I survive lol. Hopefully mafia isn't plotting to kill me.


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  Clearasday Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:07 pm

Nobody ever seems to have any information at all from their powers, and half the people in this game don't vote, and the other half no vote.
How in your games do you ever catch any mafia at all?

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:18 pm

i have no idea how a shapeshifter power would work, i was just throwing the idea out there. at this point i think we might have got lucky because no one important died last night, unless the mechdestroyer death turns out to be something weird.

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  mechdestroyer Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:03 pm

Lol last game it was luck compined with bad luck for the mafia, they hammered the bomb lol, lynched brian easily as nothign but a hunch and the last one was inactive lol.


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  warstar011 Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:14 pm

it was pretty rediculous. inactivity really hurt too

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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  kennyocean Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:17 pm

Who are the cops!?? They never reveal anything!!! House is dead (which I think is great since he is very annoying!) Let's go coppers! Kill the Bat!!! Mr J wants a good laught and my puddin gets what he wants!


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  underthebridge Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:12 pm

Ok so no one has any new information so my vote is staying the same, we our all going to have to come to a decision together today and vote somebody, voting nobody isn't getting us anywhere

Vote : Nicevoicelady


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Batman Mafia Game Thread - Page 3 Empty Re: Batman Mafia Game Thread

Post  mechdestroyer Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:50 pm

Vote Count
nicevoicelady (2) : underthebridge


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